
Pastor Dann Cecil
I was born and raised in the small town of Flandreau, South Dakota and earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Athletic Training from South Dakota State University. After marrying Christi and working three years in retail sales, I sensed God calling me to prepare for full-time pastoral ministry. In the summer of 1999, Christi and I left our South Dakota roots and moved to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida where she worked as a nurse while I attended Knox Theological Seminary.
I received a Master of Divinity in May of 2004. Late that summer I was introduced to North Ft. Myers Presbyterian Church by one of my seminary professors, and after several visits to the church to preach, I was delighted to respond to God’s call to serve as the congregations’ organizing Pastor. I am thoroughly persuaded that the Reformed faith most accurately reflects the truths of Holy Scripture. It is my great pleasure, by God’s grace, to expound the truths of the Bible and their daily application through the preaching of the Word. As a pastor, I am committed to reaching the lost with the good news of Jesus Christ and equipping the saints for their work in ministry.

Paul Hart
I was born and raised in Maryland as one of ten children. It
wasn’t until reaching the age of 29 that by grace through faith
in Christ that He saved me and gave me His Spirit to live a life
pleasing to Him. I eventually retired in 2018 after 35 years of
service for the state of Maryland as an IT Senior Programmer-
Analyst and later as IT Manager. That same year, I married the
love of my life, Debbie and became an Elder at a PCA church
there in Maryland. We moved to Florida in 2020 and North Fort
Myers Presbyterian became our new home church as we
sought after a good solid bible preaching reformed church. We
love this church body here and love to serve as ambassadors
for Christ. God has called me and my wife to fulfill the “Great
Commission” as we believe it is not a suggestion, but that it is a
command for all believers in Christ to share the Good News of
Jesus to the lost.
Other ministries, we’ve been involved with are Sunday school
teaching, Greeter ministry, Assisted living visitation, Gospel
puppet ministry, Evangelism and Evangelism training. My
personal hobbies and other interests include music production
including guitar playing, vocals and keyboards. I also love
fishing, playing tennis, swimming, reading and singing in choir.

Bob Ishkanian
I am a retired owner of a sporting goods business in New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. I have also held positions in Family Life Radio, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, Youth for Christ, Christian Motorcyclist Association and Gideons Area Director for SW Florida. I am now a Florida State Prison Chaplain. I moved from Long Island, New York to Florida 20 years ago and have been a member of our church for 17 years — many of those years serving in leadership as a Deacon and Elder. I am married to precious Jane, and we have two boys … Luther and Calvin (both cats!)

Ron Lotterman
My wife and I were both born and raised in West Michigan just west of Grand Rapids. By God’s grace, He added the extra blessing of growing up in Reformed generational covenantal homes never knowing a time when we did not know Jesus. We met in the church where we were active members for 30 years. During our time in that church, I was a Cadet counselor for 13 years, seven of those years I was the head counselor. Lori and I taught children’s Sunday School classes and Sunday School music, and were youth group leaders at various times.
We moved to Cape Coral in 2016. We have three adult children; Caleb is the only one who moved with us. When God in His providence led us to North Fort Myers Presbyterian, the moment we entered we immediately felt very much at home. It is very apparent that NFMPC is committed to Soli Deo Gloria. In addition to solid Reformed theology and practice, we recognized how the love of God and a genuine care and concern for each other is foremost in the congregation.
It is my desire to serve the LORD wherever He leads me. I am thankful to God he has led me to a local congregation with a deep commitment to defending the authority of the Word of God and the faithful pure exposition of it. God has led me into prison ministry and I am currently involved in Prison Ministry in CCI alongside Bob Ishkanian and Al White.
I am a retired General Motors World Class Technician. Lori is a retired office accounting assistant. We enjoy walking the many preserves all over South West Florida.

Dick Marting
I am a Christian, saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. The Lord has given me the privilege of being an Elder in our congregation and a husband to my wife, Peggy, and a father to my two grown children, Ben and Julie. I have been blessed to work with many wonderful children and families as a pediatrician. We began attending a Presbyterian Church in Naples early in my career, and over time began teaching and became an Elder before moving away for work-related reasons.
After relocating I served in a church plant in North Carolina, and a Presbyterian Church in Savannah, Georgia until retiring and moving to the Fort Myers area to be near our children. We chose North Fort Myers Presbyterian to be our church home for their high view of God’s word as the rule and basis for our faith, worship, and life; its centrality to our view of the church, worship and all of the ministries of the church, and the Sovereignty of God in creation, providence, salvation, and all of life. I enjoy teaching, bicycling, woodworking, and playing the dulcimer.

Dennis Royall
I was ordained to the Ministry in the Christian Reformed Church in 1983 and served four congregations in Ingersoll, Ontario, Allendale, Michigan, Cape Coral, Florida and finally my last congregation in London, Ontario – where I served over 15 years until our retirement in 2013. Which church to attend was the most significant decision my wife Dorothy and I had to make before moving back to Florida. We chose North Fort Myers Presbyterian Church, where we had attended often during vacation visits to Cape Coral while we served in London, Ontario.
We love our Pastor at NFMPC, deeply appreciate and respect his devotion to biblically directed worship and faithful preaching of the Word and his faithful labors as a loving pastor of the flock. This Church is firmly Christ centered, biblically based and just filled with a bunch of Christ-loving, giving and friendly people! It has been my privilege, honor and responsibility to have been called to be a Ruling Elder in this congregation.

Gary Wieske
I was born and raised in Western Australia. When I
was 14, my family moved to Hamilton, Ontario,
Canada. It was there, during high school, that I met
my lovely wife, Cindy. We married shortly after and
have been blessed with six children—who are all now
married—and many wonderful grandchildren.
In 2022, Cindy and I moved to Fort Myers, Florida.
We began attending NFMPCA and soon became
members. I am deeply thankful for the faithful
preaching of God’s Word in this church, its
commitment to Reformed doctrine, and the vibrant
communion of saints we’ve experienced here.
I feel incredibly blessed by God’s grace throughout
my life—in my family, my faith, and the fellowship we
now enjoy in this church community.

Misael Garcia
I was not a believer when I first attended North Fort Myers Presbyterian Church. I found this church through Juliana, who is now my wife. She was a member and I started visiting while we were dating. It wasn’t long until Christ saved me by grace from the burning fire that I surely deserved. The things I love most about NFMPC are the clear teaching of God’s Word from Pastor Dann and worshiping and spending time with the loving and caring congregation. I was born in Florida and have lived here my entire life, except for one year in North Carolina as a child. I enjoy being in God’s creation, the great outdoors, and I enjoy fishing most of all.

Gary Kroeger
I was born and raised in Peoria Illinois and with the US Postal Service 41 years retiring in 2018. Shortly after most of my family started relocating to SW Florida and eventually I was able to follow. I was raised in the Presbyterian Church and in 1995 I transferred my membership to a newly formed PCA church in Peoria. The faithful preaching of God’s word was what drew me there as well as the love shown from the congregation. In 1997 I was asked to serve on the inaugural diaconate board which was the most humbling experience of my life.
Through the PCA directory I discovered NFMPC and have enjoyed being spiritually fed from the pulpit as well as the welcoming love from the congregation.

Shane Miller
I was born and raised north of Pittsburgh in the town of New Castle, Pennsylvania. Trena, my wife, and I moved to Florida about 13 years ago. We are blessed with five children, McKenna 10, Adelynn 8, Brielle 6, Easton 5, and Sage 1. We chose North Fort Myers Presbyterian Church for its inspiring and enriching style and approach to worship. I truly appreciate the church’s commitment to Reformed Theology with the preaching and teaching of Scripture.
I love hockey, being outdoors, and spending time with my family.

Spencer Mumme
I was raised in a Presbyterian family and baptized at the age of five in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC) alongside my three-year-old and newborn brothers. However, as time went on, I found myself attending Baptist churches, primarily McGregor Baptist in Fort Myers. During that time, I was exposed to dispensational teachings that left me confused about the faith. This confusion eventually led me to walk away from the church altogether. In my search for answers, I embraced Islam for a few years, but ultimately, I found myself completely atheistic and spiritually broken.
In March of 2017, I was involved in a serious accident when I was struck by a drunk driver while riding my moped. Waking up in the hospital, I couldn’t shake an overwhelming sense of what I can only describe as agnostic curiosity—a longing for answers to deeper questions about life and God.
It wasn’t until I entered rehab in August of 2018 that I began to truly yearn for Christ. During that time, I came across the teachings of R.C. Sproul, Voddie Baucham, Greg Bahnsen, and Jonathan Edwards. Their works reignited my passion for the Reformed faith and led me to seek out a PCA church. After attending several, I finally found North Fort Myers Presbyterian Church (PCA), and it has since become our spiritual home.
Today, I thank the Lord for the incredible covenant community He has provided us at North Fort Myers Presbyterian Church. My wife, our three children, and I have all been baptized here, and we are now members of this wonderful congregation. I am deeply grateful for the leadership of Reverend Dann Cecil, who has faithfully shepherded us in worship, fellowship, and personal sanctification. Through his guidance and the fellowship of our church family, we continue to grow in grace, united in Christ as we seek to glorify Him in all that we do.

Darren Royall
I’ve lived in a number of places; Canada, Michigan, Colorado and Mississippi, before ultimately settling here in Florida. But it’s been my time at North Fort Myers Presbyterian Church, nearly seven years now, that I have truly found a home.
As someone with a deep commitment to service, I’ve found incredible fulfillment in my role as a deacon at our church. This privilege to serve Christ’s congregation far exceeds my professional experiences in the service industry. NFMPC is a community of faithful believers who are wholeheartedly devoted to scripture and preaching of the gospel.
The people here are what make this church so special to me. My family are also members, which initially drew me to the Church. But it’s the congregation’s absolute commitment to biblical truth, their mutual care and encouragement, and their reverence for the Lord that has kept me anchored here.
This is a church that truly lives out its faith, and I’m honored to be a part of it.

Russ Smith
In 2020 I accepted a position with Lee County. My wife Crystal, daughter Ava and I moved here from Lexington, Kentucky. We immediately began the search for a new church home. We were looking for a church affiliated with the Presbyterian Church in America. No one made us feel as welcome as North Fort Myers Presbyterian Church. We felt right at home from the very beginning. We love the traditional scripture-based sermons and wonderful connections we have with the members of the congregation.
My favorite pastimes are fishing, golf, and playing the drums.

Al White
Violet and I moved to Florida in 2021 from Massachusetts. Our first priority was to find a church where biblical truth was preached without compromise. We were first introduced to North Fort Myers Presbyterian Church online. “We fell in love with the congregation the very first Sunday we visited. Everyone was very welcoming and greeted us so warmly. We never felt love anywhere like North Fort Myers Presbyterian.” Violet and I were both believers when we married, and I have served in church leadership for more than 30 years … so long it almost feels like I was born a Deacon. In addition to my service at our church, I am also currently active in prison ministry.